This multifamily apartment portfolio, consists of (3) Iconic Properties: Ivy Hall, Dorchester mansion and The Duplex Manor. 279 E San Fernando (Ivy Hall) consists of (17) Single Room Occupancy Bedrooms (SROs). 295 E San Fernando (Dorchester Mansion) consists of (1) 2 Bed 1 Bath (9) 1 Bed 1 Bath (5) Studios and (1) 4 Bed 1.5 Bed Single Family House. 73 S 7th St (Duplex Mansion) consists of (1) 4 Bed 1 Bath (1) 3 Bed 1 Bath Units. The portfolio is located across the street from San Jose State University. The four buildings are iconic to the city of San Jose with a pride of ownership corner lot. 279 E San Fernando St consists of 17 single-room occupancy bedrooms including FREE Wi-Fi for tenants, a manager’s office, a communal kitchen, bathrooms, and a lounging area with cable TV. Every unit has the option of renting a parking space or a garage for their convenience and added income.