Rare Eastside Costa Mesa TRIPLEX Property is on the market for the first time in decades. Currently configured as 3 Single Level Bungalows: each unit is a 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Single Level property with approx 700 sqft of space. Each unit has some exterior space. Unit A has a large yard. A 3 Car detached garage offers each unit a 1 car garage and there is a community laundry room attached to the garage (app operated for additional landlord income). The property is grandfathered as a triplex, but is currently zoned R-1 Residential. Location, Location, Location… in the great eastside Costa Mesa neighborhood behind Mother’s Market at 19th and Newport Blvd. Lot size is 8,813 sqft per the assessor. All units are occupied and rented. Newport Harbor Schools.