It is newly priced and the seller wants to sell it! This home is located on one of Downtown’s most desired streets and a short stroll from [not just] Castro Street, but also other local attractions and conveniences. Move-in condition and ready to be loved, you will find a large remodeled [eat-in] kitchen boasting high-end appliances, a welcoming living room with cozy plus a fireplace with remote control and a classic picture window viewing the tree-lined street, the generous formal dining room can efficiently serve as a home study or family room, depending on your wants and lifestyle. Up the ornate spiral staircase, you will find a tastefully finished attic that offers additional space that can serve any number of functions: Office, child play area, guest area, storage, or more. Outside in the private backyard, you can enjoy morning coffee or entertain friends or family in a scenic patio area surrounded by lush, mature foliage. The owner had plans prepared by a renowned local architect, Bill Maston, [when he bought the home] for a second-story addition, which he subsequently decided not to move forward with. The addition would fit in beautifully with the many homes on the street that have been added to their homes. You will enjoy this home & neighbors for many years to come