When is the last time you paid 50¢ for something? Probably a long time ago. Or maybe you bought 2 gum balls yesterday. What would you rather have? 2 gum balls or 1 square ft of raw Cedarpines Park land? That’s right, this parcel could be yours today for $2,000. That is a bit less than 50 cents a ft! Why is the lot so cheap? Well.. There’s no gas, no power, no water, no sewer & no real road. Also, due to the single family residential zoning you CANNOT CAMP on the lot. So what’s the use? Well, what’s the use of 2 gum balls? If you’ve got the (gum)balls feel free to hunt the lot down.. Bring a plot map and some unrealistic optimism. Crest Forest to Mojave River Rd, 34.260463 -117.315176. Copy and paste the coordinates to google maps for a pin with location.