In Atherton’s most prestigious Menlo Circus Club area, this classic estate, originally built in 1935, has been meticulously transformed into an exquisite retreat, elegant yet completely livable. Reimagined by a team of leading design professionals to offer the best of California living, this Monterey Colonial is perfectly proportioned, with exceptional craftsmanship and stunning design. Experience timeless sophistication in every room with tastefully selected wall coverings, luxury marble and tile finishes, and carefully curated light fixtures that set just the right mood. Arranged on two levels with a separate guest house, this home offers every amenity desired today, including ample space for work from home, distance learning and indoor/outdoor entertainment. Ideally situated on one acre of land, the estate offers complete privacy in a resort-like garden setting. The impressive array of outdoor features includes a wisteria covered loggia, a landscape framed fire-pit terrace, pool and spa, two water features, and beautifully cultivated grounds with heritage olive trees. This extraordinary property, located midway between San Francisco and Silicon Valley, presents a rare opportunity to enjoy the quintessential California lifestyle on one of Atherton’s most coveted avenues.